Friday 27 April 2012

Story lines.

Well with all the different movie production that we have in our countries namely the difference between America and African movies.I must say that our African movies have more means of educating us with our lives and giving us a more positive perspective.They show us how to deal with our daily lives and our general living,they simply teach us how to live life and treasure every single moment we have with it because we might never know what will happen tomorrow.Movies from A merica  are more of fantasy and action heroes,we basically watch them for the sake of fun and spending time with loved ones.We should always know that reading trough the lines of what a cetain movie says is a good thing because we need to know what that movie tells us about,so story lines can mean nothing to what we expect and anticipate.


  1. would you say that horror movies have the best story line and can learn something from them?

    1. No horror movies are mostly based on fiction all in an individuals imagination.All people get from them is fear.

  2. wich movies would you say are the best and what do we realli learn from them?

    1. I think more of comedy and romentic comedies are more reality and fun to watch everything there is positive.

  3. It is a good thing that we are not trying to copy the American style of movies but our own style thats relevant to South Africans.
