Friday 13 April 2012


With my last two bloges they were about fashion and the trend's they bring to the outside world.  So I've been thinking people have more than enough fashion bloggers around the world so know my idea is to change this whole fashion thing in to any popular world interest for Students.

                                                         OK now let me see...MOVIES!!

What do people think about movies???  Well i know that as students we take Movies as an extra hobby that helps as relax. Well now i have realised that movies can also influence us in our daily life's i mean how we live it and how we perceive our life's as individuals.

I'm sure Public Relations Practitioners of a Production company do look at how a certain movie that will be broad casted under their organisation will influence the public.  As the public opinion is very important to them.

So as we all love to watch movies and even life by what they teach as we should be careful on what the Director of the movie was trying to teach us i mean there intentions.  

In other Words movies are and can be a driving force of a persons life so students be aware of what you watch yes it may be interesting and entertaining but also harmful to you personal emotions.

A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life.
James Allen


  1. Movies are not only a great way to relax and unwind but they can indeed influence one's perception of the world out there. Most movies are based on things that are happening in our daily lifes, be it love, violence, terrorism and even laughter.

  2. are you sure that all students watch movies to relax? stats?

    1. Yes i'm sure reseach done by our own UJ students have been done as an asignment... therefore it can not be linkes to the internet as it was an internal school assignment.

  3. movies are fun , a good way to de-stress , unwind you name it , but we should be very careful not be coach potatoes.
