Friday 20 April 2012


With all the different movies around the world, with all the different Directors,Producers, Artists,Script Wright.... Movies will always boil up to Technology for the movie to look of good Quality.

  Movies from America is of high class quality not mentioning the theoretical part of the movie making but talking more about the technologically perspective of things because most Gadgets are created and manufactured in America their Movie Production is of top class. I say top class as in the lighting, sound, line spacing is of top quality because of the quality of the Equipments and Technology they use.

Then we have the African movies with less technological Equipments that are recently used in America. I believe that our Movie industry is low on Equipments and doesn't have enough capital to establish and create all the necessary equipments that is needed for good quality movie production.  Therefore that causes a lack of movie interest in Africa. 


Now this is all About PUBLIC OPINON.....

                                                  Which one is best Produces??????????


  1. in my opinion is that Americans love to spend America has a lot of money... so Africans do not have that much money as the U.S... but looking at the music video's they are good qaulity

    1. yea i sure agree with you Americans got Quality but Why cann't africans find the same sense of Quality? AND CAPITAL?

  2. I believe that the reason behind the quality of the different countries has to do with experience and the fact that Americans have been in this industry way longer than the Africans.

    1. True... but Africans need to learn and Establish.

  3. i think that good movies need a good storyline thats all.

    1. and Productions does not matter to you?

  4. i know that im south african but i have to go with american movies,they just take the crown

  5. I think that South African movie qualities and storylines are getting to the American levels namely Tsotsi., i dnt think they'd recieve an Oscar award if they didn't deserve it so this shows that we are stuck up in the thoughts of giving credit to American movies then focusing and giving credit to Americans. The Tsotsi Oscar was an indication of a good South African movie.

    1. But that was just one movies out of a whole lot of Pure African movies that was recognised...but yes maybe we are getting there but slowly.
