Friday 27 April 2012

Story lines.

Well with all the different movie production that we have in our countries namely the difference between America and African movies.I must say that our African movies have more means of educating us with our lives and giving us a more positive perspective.They show us how to deal with our daily lives and our general living,they simply teach us how to live life and treasure every single moment we have with it because we might never know what will happen tomorrow.Movies from A merica  are more of fantasy and action heroes,we basically watch them for the sake of fun and spending time with loved ones.We should always know that reading trough the lines of what a cetain movie says is a good thing because we need to know what that movie tells us about,so story lines can mean nothing to what we expect and anticipate.

Friday 20 April 2012


With all the different movies around the world, with all the different Directors,Producers, Artists,Script Wright.... Movies will always boil up to Technology for the movie to look of good Quality.

  Movies from America is of high class quality not mentioning the theoretical part of the movie making but talking more about the technologically perspective of things because most Gadgets are created and manufactured in America their Movie Production is of top class. I say top class as in the lighting, sound, line spacing is of top quality because of the quality of the Equipments and Technology they use.

Then we have the African movies with less technological Equipments that are recently used in America. I believe that our Movie industry is low on Equipments and doesn't have enough capital to establish and create all the necessary equipments that is needed for good quality movie production.  Therefore that causes a lack of movie interest in Africa. 


Now this is all About PUBLIC OPINON.....

                                                  Which one is best Produces??????????

Friday 13 April 2012


With my last two bloges they were about fashion and the trend's they bring to the outside world.  So I've been thinking people have more than enough fashion bloggers around the world so know my idea is to change this whole fashion thing in to any popular world interest for Students.

                                                         OK now let me see...MOVIES!!

What do people think about movies???  Well i know that as students we take Movies as an extra hobby that helps as relax. Well now i have realised that movies can also influence us in our daily life's i mean how we live it and how we perceive our life's as individuals.

I'm sure Public Relations Practitioners of a Production company do look at how a certain movie that will be broad casted under their organisation will influence the public.  As the public opinion is very important to them.

So as we all love to watch movies and even life by what they teach as we should be careful on what the Director of the movie was trying to teach us i mean there intentions.  

In other Words movies are and can be a driving force of a persons life so students be aware of what you watch yes it may be interesting and entertaining but also harmful to you personal emotions.

A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life.
James Allen