Friday 24 August 2012

Cover Up

With all the different aspect in career choices meaning all the people that claim to be able to help you discover your dream job.....Well question is are they really able to do so or do you as an individual end up deciding on your own weather you enjoy doing something?

This link I found on google able career counselling it explains everything that a counseller does to help you make you decision.  But then you will find other people that will make a decion for you.

Now my question is which method is more effective?
  1.  where you are told which career best suits you?
  2. where you are adviced on which career to take but you make you own career decision?

career counselling

Friday 17 August 2012

Stay at home careers

During the process of research it has come to my attention that as an individual i would like to have  a job that does not entail me to wake up in the early mornings and go to an office an hour away my Comfort zone which is initially my home. In my research i have at least found out 10 good stay at home careers that an individual can take interest in:
10 good stay-at-home careers listed:
  1. Virtual assistant.
  2. Medical transcriptionist.
  3. Translator.
  4. Web developer/designer.
  5. Call centre representative.
  6. Tech support specialist.
  7. Travel agent.
  8. Teacher.
  9. Writer/editor.
  10. Franchise owner.


Home careers
So if you are an individual who enjoys working in their own comfort zone/home research about it there are many other careers you could be interested in...

Friday 10 August 2012

Personal Differences

I have noticed that people have different personalities but yet they need to work in one working environment and make things work out for them in order to meet the same achievements or goals.

You will find Office politics,conflicts,miss judgement and interpretation in the work place and the individuals will find it hard to be able to communicate properly in the working environments. But now what does one do to prevent this from happening to you argue with the individual you might have a problem with or do you just quit that one Job that you passionate about and  you give the anything to have it.

lets look at this conflict management solutions in the work place:
Techniques for managing conflictsI have developed a process called the 5 A's technique of managing conflicts are they are as follows:
• Assessment.
• Acknowledgement.
• Attitude.
• Action.
• Analysis.

The assessment phase is the investigative stage when dealing with conflict situations. In the assessment phase you need to investigate and gather all information related to the conflict. These will include the following:
• What is the conflict?
• Who is responsible for the conflict?
• Is there a history of conflicts with this person / department?

Once you have conducted a thorough assessment you need to acknowledge the conflict. If a conflict exists between a manager and an employee, the manager must inform the employee of the conflict at hand and advise them of the procedure for resolution of the conflict.

At this point the manager must begin the formal conflict management resolution protocols which include the following:
• Arrange a meeting between themselves and the employee.
• Inform the employee of the time, date and venue for the meeting both verbally and in writing by means of an email request for a meeting.
• Inform the employee that they may appoint a facilitator to act on their behalf during the meeting. This would only occur if there were hostile interactions between the employee and their manager.
• Send the employee an agenda for the meeting.
• Human resources labour representative should be present at the meeting

If for example there was a conflict between two departments, the same would apply as above however you would nominate an independent facilitator to chair the meeting to ensure that it does not get hijacked or detoured.

Both parties must participate in the process with the right attitude. Going into a conflict management situation with a negative approach has a strong possibility of failing. The attitude must be one of wanting to resolve the issue at hand and clear a way forward so that both parties can continue working together.

During the resolution period of resolving a conflict a fair number of action points will be recorded which must be completed in an acceptable timeframe. Taking action and giving feedback are the two critical key success factors. If you do not take the necessary action the conflict situation will resurface on a higher scale.

An example of this might be where a manager and employee have a conflict between them. The facilitator advises that they should conduct a one on one session weekly to build on their relationship. The action point is to conduct the one on one. Failing to do so will result in a conflict situation. Both the manager and employee will have the opportunity to give one another feedback.

Once the conflict situation has been resolved, it should be analysed to determine what caused the conflict situation to begin with and what measures can be put in place to stop this type of situation from reoccurring. The problem in most conflict situations today is that no post conflict management analysis takes place.

These are jst a few of the things you might try and they will help you resolve you problem in the work place to avoid conflict.

Friday 3 August 2012

Career Personalities

Well we all must have our own desired career and wish to work at a specific environment...but i believe every career has its own personality trend that is best suitable for it.  for example when an individual want to persuade a career in Public Relations their personality will be more out going and they would need to be more outspoken and be able to communicate without any self-esteem issues.

Public Relations Campaign-

Public Relations Networking-


Then on the Other hand you will find an individual who would love to persuade a career in Law that individual will be more content and sophisticated and they communication will be more formal they environment would have more of serous matters in the office and in court that an outside job like some activities that takes place in Public Relations.
Lawyers at work-

So with all this said and done every career has it own personality so that you Can enjoy it make sure that i does correspond with you personality trends.