Monday 19 March 2012

Fashion World

The are so many forms and ways of how people can connect with the fashion world I'm talking about fashions shows, Events, Exhibitions, Galleries and most of all the Fashion Magazines around the world.

There are so many different Magazines around the world that are available to the worlds Fashion Gurus.  This magazines are not just Detoured by just anyone around but Top Fashion Editors like the likes of :
Kate Betts Editor at Large, Time
Circulation: 4 million
Editor, Time Style & Design.

 Fashion  may be full of beautiful people and beautiful clothing, but the fashion business isn't necessarily pretty there are alot of office politics just like any other business features around the world.

These two fashion Magazines are well know to women  in South Africa:

They are Internationally based but our South African women loving them too they, cover everything from style and beauty trends to personalities and lifestyle issues, Marie Claire is more for Fashion-conscious modern women who are interested in the style,beauty,entertainment,relationships,careers and health issues.

"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
— Yves Saint-Laurent

Friday 9 March 2012

fashion week!

In every state,province and county there will always be someone wearing something out of the ordinary or even an old fashion style.  I must mention everyone has their own fashion style or sense to dress the way they wish to dress which in they mind its their way to make a statement. 

Fashion will always make a statement or even comments that are appropriate or even those unwanted silly comments from people.  But in the Fashion world or anywhere else you will need to know that people will always have somethings to say weather it is good or bad.

So know for all those fashion Gurus and lovers here is the calender for the South Africa Fashion Week held in different locations in South Africa,

Going to any of these events will surly inlighten you more about the lateast Fashion wear.  This will be show cased by our South African Fashion desighners.

"A woman is closest to being naked when she is well dressed." ~Coco Chanel